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it's all about the splash

Well.. not just about it! This week we made a big step towards the cloud, and now our server is on Firebase cloud officially 😊 we recommend Firebase service, we found everything we need. In the last few weeks, we opened a storage bucket on Firebase in order to save our recordings there, opened a database there and some cloud functions to make all the different parts to integrate. Now we can see all the elements working with each other and it is exciting. One of our challenges is to keep up with the changes that our product is going through a lot of them and observe the technological challenges each idea contains. it’s not easy, but very interesting and open our minds. Also, Eran is helping us to figure out some solutions, which is very useful. We made a lot of progress in the functionality side, but we’ll give you a taste of the splash screen

and assure you that all sort of things going on behind the screen scenes, stay tuned😉

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