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Week 5 - The show must go on

We know it may seems like we were gone in the past two weeks, but guess what! It only happened since we worked super hard on understanding what our people need.


You know this moment when you talk to people, listening to them, finding out they are having hard times in their lives? Think about it when you talk to more than 20 people, finding more than 20 different needs.

All we needed to do this week can be summed in one word, FOCUS.

We found out the people in the range of 40 to 50 years old have several mutual needs.

The first need was to manage their time in order to have the possibility to have more quality time with their partner nor children. Their second need is remembering to "live the moment" using tools like mindfulness and more...


As we said, we needed to focus. We decided to to focus on our main audience's first need since developing a tool for this specific need was way more exciting for us.

So, we think it's time for you to meet Yaeli!

After we managed to focus on a specific, main need, we started to do bring a bunch of ideas to the board, this process required us to be creative, which for some of us was very challenging. We loved the process since it made us to face new challenges in new ways.

Thank you for reading our blog.

Keep on following us, we promise to keep you updated with our fascinating process!

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